Kev cai T-shirt Printing nrog DTG
Kev daws teeb meem luam ntawv
Kev cai T-shirt luam tawm tau dhau los ua kev lom zem tsis tau zoo tshaj plaws rau kev lag luam ntawm txhua hom.Nws pab lawv tsim lawv tus kheej lub hom phiaj thiab cov neeg siv khoom loyalty heev.
Niaj hnub no, cov neeg siv khoom thiab cov neeg ua haujlwm tsis yig los hnav lub tsho digital print T-shirt, yog tias nws tsim tau zoo.
Nrog rau niaj hnub POD (Print on Demand) thev naus laus zis, nws tuaj yeem tau txais T-shirt luam tawm ntawm kev thov thiab ntau.Cov luam ntawv digital tso cai rau koj luam cov qauv uas xav tau ncaj qha mus rau T-shirts.Yog li ntawd, nws txuag lub sijhawm thiab nyiaj txiag.
Cov lag luam hauv T-shirt khw muag khoom tuaj yeem coj lawv txoj kev lag luam mus rau qib tom ntej nrog kev cai T-shirt luam ntawv.Txawm tias cov npe uas xav tau logo T-shirt luam ntawv rau kev paub txog hom tuaj yeem mus rau nws.
Qhov zoo ntawm
Kev cai T-Shirt Printing
Tsis muaj xim txwv
UniPrint Tee tshuab luam ntawv muaj CMYK ORGB 8 xim number case.Yog li ntawd, nws tuaj yeem luam tawm ntau txhiab xim.
Tsawg MOQ
UniPrint tuaj yeem ua tiav me me T-shirt digital luam ntawv xaj ntawm koj qhov kev thov.Peb txais tos 100 PCS T-shirts rau ib tus qauv tsim

Kev hloov ceev ceev
UniPrint muaj kev hloov pauv sai (7 ~ 10 hnub) t-shirt luam ntawv.Raws li koj qhov kev txiav txim yuav tsum tau thiab qhov chaw.
High-Resolution Prints
Peb cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis thev naus laus zis thev naus laus zis muab kev luam ntawv zoo tshaj plaws rau koj nrog 720x2400dpi high-density daws teeb meem.
Eco-phooj ywg Textile Ink
UniPrint txaus siab tshaj tawm tias nws muab lub tsho luam tawm kom ruaj khov.Nws cov dej-based textile number case yog eco-phooj ywg
Kev luam ntawv yooj yim
UniPrint muaj kev cai luam ntawv khaub ncaws.Peb siv cov tshuab luam ntawv sib txawv kom tau raws li cov neeg siv khoom xav tau.

Yuav Ua Li Cas Custom Socks
Cov kauj ruam ua haujlwm rau koj ua raws
Kauj ruam 1:Xaiv Koj T-Shirt Model / Xim
Ntawm UniPrint, peb muaj ntau hom paj rwb T-shirts hauv Tshuag.Xaiv hom T-shirt raws li koj xav tau.Koj tseem tuaj yeem xa koj T-shirts los luam tawm.Txawm li cas los xij, nco ntsoov tias lawv muaj feem pua ntawm cov khoom siv paj rwb ntau dua.DTG T-shirt luam ntawv ua haujlwm zoo tshaj plaws nrog paj rwb T-shirts.
Kauj Ruam 2: Ua Koj Tus Qauv
Txawm hais tias koj xav tau lub logo T-shirt luam ntawv lossis 3D luam T-shirt, ua koj tus qauv tsim ntawm koj lub computer.Peb yuav muab koj nrog ib tug meej layout rau kev cai T-shirt printing.Koj tuaj yeem tsim cov qauv siv cov ntawv thov xws li Illustrator lossis Photoshop raws li qhov teeb tsa ntawd.Xa tus qauv tsim rau peb hauv JPEG, PSD, TIFF, lossis Ai hom.
Kauj ruam 3: Ua Sample Printing
Yog tias koj xav tau cov qauv luam tawm raws li tus qauv tsim koj xa tuaj rau peb, peb tuaj yeem muab rau koj.Qauv luam ntawv yuav siv sij hawm li ntawm 3 mus rau 7 hnub.UniPrint yuav xa koj daim qauv ntawm lub cev rau koj qhov kev pom zoo.
Note: Sample printing is paid. Get to know the price at
Kauj Ruam 4: Sample lees paub
Tshawb xyuas peb cov qauv.Koj tuaj yeem lees paub nws yog tias koj nyiam cov qauv.Tom qab koj qhov kev pom zoo, peb yuav ua nrog koj daim ntawv xaj rau kev cai T-shirt luam ntawv.
Kauj Ruam 5: Kev Them Nyiaj
Thaum koj qhov kev txiav txim tau lees paub, tso nyiaj 30% ntawm cov nyiaj them poob haujlwm.Koj tuaj yeem them tus nqi seem tom qab ua tiav cov khaub ncaws luam ntawv.
Kauj Ruam 6: Kev xa khoom
UniPrint yuav ceeb toom rau koj thaum koj cov T-shirts kev cai npaj rau kev xa khoom.Tam sim no koj tuaj yeem them tus nqi seem thiab tau txais koj lub T-shirts xa tuaj.Rau kev txiav txim me me, peb siv Express, thaum lub sij hawm rau kev luam ntawv ntau, peb siv hiav txwv shipping.
Xim & Loj Options
UniPrint tau txais 25 xim t-shirts rau koj xaiv.

9 qhov ntau thiab tsawg yog muaj

Yam khoom
Uniprint muab koj cov khoom lag luam xws li DTG tshuab luam ntawv, tshuab ua ntej, cua kub xovxwm, tshuab ziab khaub ncaws thiab lwm yam, suav nrog Pigment Inks.Lawv yog Yam Tseem Ceeb Rau Kev Cai T-shirts Printing Ntau Lawm Teeb

DTG tshuab luam ntawv

Pretreatment Tshuab

Kub Xovxwm

Drawer rhaub

Tunnel rhaub

Pigment Ink
Cov lus nug nquag
Kev cai T-shirt luam ntawv yog kev luam ntawv thev naus laus zis uas tso cai rau koj tsim ib qho kev nyiam tsim rau hauv T-shirt.Cov khoom ntawm T-shirt yuav tsum yog paj rwb, txhob lo lo ntxhuav, linen, los yog lwm yam ntuj ntaub.Txawm li cas los xij, T-shirts nrog feem pua ntawm cov paj rwb ntau dua feem ntau nyiam.DTG T-shirt luam ntawv siv cov txheej txheem dej inkjet, uas yooj yim rau hauv hnab ris thiab ib puag ncig.Dab tsi teeb tsa kev cai T-shirt luam ntawv tshwj xeeb yog, koj tuaj yeem luam cov duab ncaj qha rau ntawm khaub ncaws.
Cov neeg ua haujlwm hauv T-shirt khw muag khoom lag luam tuaj yeem tau txais txiaj ntsig zoo los ntawm kev cai luam ntawv T-shirt.Peb txhua tus paub tias kev cai T-shirts muaj tus nqi siab dua li cov T-shirts.Tsis tas li ntawd, kev cai luam ntawv yog ib txoj hauv kev zoo tshaj plaws los ua lag luam koj hom.Nrog lub logo T-shirt luam ntawv, koj tuaj yeem coj kev paub txog koj cov khoom.
Ntawm UniPrint, peb lees txais cov xaj me me nrog rau ntau lub tsho T-shirt luam ntawv.Peb DTG lub tsho tshuab luam ntawv tuaj yeem luam tawm txawm tias ib daim T-shirts ib tus qauv tsim.Txawm li cas los xij, peb tau teeb tsa MOQ ntawm 100 T-shirts ib tus qauv tsim, xav txog tus nqi zog thiab lwm yam nuj nqis.
Cov xim xaiv tsis muaj kev txwv thaum nws los txog rau tee luam ntawv.Tsis muaj teeb meem, txawm tias koj xav tau T-shirt dub luam ntawv lossis high-end T-shirt luam ntawv, xim xaiv tsis muaj qhov kawg.
Peb cov tshuab luam ntawv ncaj qha rau lub tsho siv C, M, Y, K, O, R, G, B, 8 xim number case.Kev sib xyaw ntawm yim xim no tuaj yeem ua rau ntau txhiab xim tshiab.Peb kuj siv tus cwj mem Dawb rau tom qab tsaus nti T-shirts.
Ntawm UniPrint, peb muab kev cai T-shirt luam tawm ntawm txhua hom paj rwb, txhob lo lo ntxhuav, thiab linen T-shirts.Dhau li ntawm T-shirts, peb muab kev pabcuam luam ntawv rau hoodies, tote hnab, hauv ncoo npog, silk scarfs, thiab lwm yam.
UniPrint ua kom cov luam ntawv zoo tshaj plaws, txawm tias koj xav tau 3D Print T-shirt, Dub T-shirt luam ntawv, lossis duab T-shirt luam ntawv.Nws muaj lub xeev-ntawm-tus-kos duab DTG luam ntawv, featuring EPSON printheads muab cov duab zoo.Lub tshuab luam ntawv muab rau koj 720x2400dpi high-density daws teeb meem.
UniPrint insists its customers check out some samples before placing the order for bulk T-shirt printing. It gives you an idea about the quality of digital print shirts. We do not charge for our existing printed T-shirt samples. However, if you want to check your design printing on a cotton T-shirt, it would be paid. However, we refund the sampling fee if you place an order for 1000 pcs of T-shirts later. Get in touch with our sales team to learn sampling charges for single T-shirts. You may email at
Koj tuaj yeem them rau koj cov xaj ntawm T / T, Western Union, thiab PayPal.Xaiv ib qho ntawm qhov nruab nrab koj nyiam.
Ua ntej peb pib nrog T-shirt luam ntawv, peb muab cov qauv rau koj.Tom qab koj qhov kev pom zoo, peb ua cov kauj ruam tom ntej.Yog li ntawd, yuav tsum tsis muaj kev tsis ntseeg txog qhov zoo ntawm kev luam ntawv.Txij li nws yog kev cai txiav txim, peb yuav tsis tuaj yeem xa rov qab xaj thiab rov qab them nyiaj.Tom qab tag nrho, peb tsis tuaj yeem muag koj cov xaj rau lwm tus neeg siv khoom.
Txawm li cas los xij, UniPrint muab tag nrho rov qab thiab rov qab yog tias nws yog lawv qhov txhaum.Piv txwv li, yog tias peb xa cov khoom tsis raug lossis cov khoom tsis zoo rau koj.
Tus nqi thauj khoom rau kev cai khaub ncaws luam tawm nyob ntawm seb hom kev thauj khoom koj xaiv, thiab qhov kev ncua deb ntawm koj qhov chaw.Yog koj xav tau
T-shirt luam ntawv nyob rau hauv tsawg kom muaj nuj nqis, xaiv hom kev nthuav qhia.Koj yuav tsis tsuas txuag nyiaj, tab sis koj tseem yuav tau txais koj daim ntawv xaj raws sijhawm.Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub koj tau xaj ntau T-shirt luam ntawv, Hiav txwv shipping hom yuav yog ib qho kev xaiv zoo rau koj.
UniPrint muaj kev sib txuas nrog ntau lub koom haum xa khoom.Yog li ntawd, peb xyuas kom meej cov khoom xa tuaj raws sij hawm ntawm tus nqi zoo tshaj plaws.
Yog lawm, UniPrint T-shirt luam ntawv kev pabcuam muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab zoo ib puag ncig.Tom qab tag nrho, nws siv dej-raws li pigment number case.