Deskripsyon kout:

Tèt enprime Epson DX5 la itilize pa divès kalite enprimant ankr Chinwa. Tèt enprime DX5 sa a pèmèt vitès rapid, enprime rezolisyon segondè.Li se orijinal / otantik pa modifye ni kode printhead.gen otantik otantik sou tèt enprime a jan ou pral wè nan foto nou yo.Tèt enprime orijinal Epson DX5 la delivre nan yon pake EPSON sele.

Pwodwi detay

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Espesifikasyon pwodwi

Teknoloji: Mikwo-Piezo
Rezolisyon natif natal: 1440 dpi
Min.gwosè ti gout: 1.5 piko lit
Max.gwosè ti gout: 21 piko lit
Tot.kantite bouch: 1440 (8 liy x 180 bouch)
Frekans tire: 8 kHz
Konpatibilite lank: Lank ki baze sou lwil oliv tankou UV, sòlvan ak lank ekolojik-sòlvan.Lank ki baze sou dlo tankou sublimasyon, reyaktif, asid, oswa lank pigman

1. Li trè rekòmande pou ranplase câbles tèt yo ansanm ak yon nouvo printhead.
2. Printhead a oblije enstale pa moun pwofesyonèl.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Please ou dwe konnen ke nou pa aksepte okenn retounen ak ranbousman yon fwa printhead la enstale sou machin nan.

Otantik fichye




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