Inkcazelo emfutshane:

I-Epson DX5 printhead isetyenziswa ngabashicileli abahlukeneyo baseTshayina be-inkjet.Le printhead ye-DX5 ivumela isantya esikhawulezayo, ushicilelo oluphezulu.Yeyoqobo/yenyani yokuprinta.ayilungiswanga okanye ikhowudi yentloko yoshicilelo.kukho isitikha sokwenyani kwi-printhead njengoko uza kubona kwiifoto zethu.I-Epson DX5 yentloko yoshicilelo yoqobo ihanjiswa ngephakheji ye-EPSON etywiniweyo.

Iinkcukacha zeMveliso

Iithegi zeMveliso

IiNkcazo zeMveliso

Itekhnoloji: Micro-Piezo
Isisombululo somthonyama: 1440 dpi
Min.ubungakanani bethontsi: 1.5 ipico ilitha
Max.ubungakanani bethontsi: Iilitha ezingama-21 zepico
Tot.umthamo wemilomo: 1440 (imigca esi-8 x 180 imilomo)
Ukudubula rhoqo: 8 kHz
Ukuhambelana kwe-inki: I-inki esekwe kwi-oyile njenge-UV, i-solvent kunye ne-eco-solvent inki.I-inki esekwe emanzini njenge-Sublimation, i-Reactive, i-Acid, okanye i-pigment inki

1. Kucetyiswa kakhulu ukutshintsha iintambo zentloko kunye ne-printhead entsha.
2. I-Printhead kufuneka ifakwe ngabantu abaqeqeshiweyo.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Nceda uqaphele ukuba asamkeli nayiphi na imbuyekezo kunye nembuyiselo emva kokuba i-printhead ifakwe kumatshini.

Isincamathelisi sokwenyani




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